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Conflict Management

Conflict Management and Resolution

Affinity for Business, Welwyn Garden City.
'I'm not a big fan of training courses as I often feel like attending some training courses get in the way of my day to day job. However, I attended a conflict management course with Intelligensa and I have to say that the topic was very well planned and really enjoyable. I do think that a trainer makes the course, and Andy Maddocks was fantastic. very engaging and completely understood what he was training. I would recommend this course and Andy to anyone thinking about attending'
The Prince Albert Community Trust, Birmingham.
'The training was engaging. The trainer had me engaged and I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Thank you' - Teacher

'Clear and friendly training provider. Very interesting topic' - Teacher
Tape London, Nightclub and Recording Studio
'A huge thank you to you and the trainer yesterday. You were all really helpful and the team had really positive feedback in regards to the training.'
Empark, Gatwick London
'Well done. A great course' - Parking attendant (Conflict Management Course)

'Great trainer, great enthusiasm. Got points across well' - Parking attendant (Conflict Management Course)
Arsenal Football Club, Hospitality Stewards
Excellent, hands-on. Opened up all areas of conflict management including the use of role play as an integral part of the training' - Hospitality Steward

Time well spent, very informative session.' - Hospitality Steward

Very informative and much better format than other similar courses I have been on.' - Hospitality Steward

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
'A great course that was well run and insightful. It has given me a much better insight into conflict management' - Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Coach

'Some really good preventative actions have been learned. Wonderful content, interesting manner of delivery' - Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Coach
Heaven, London
'Really useful training which will help us reduce the number of incidents that escalate to violence.' - Door Supervisor, Heaven, London.
Rochford District Council - Licensing Awareness Drive
'I am a licensee, but have also worked at the council and been a teacher, however, that was the best training I have ever had in my life. I was enthralled throughout.' - Licensee, Hockley, Essex
Essex Police - Licensing Awareness Drive
'I found the whole presentation really, really fascinating. I've learned such a lot. Thank you.' - Licensee, Rayleigh
Creation Trust
Brilliant and just what we needed. We will let other local networks know about your training' - Employment Advisor
Julia's House, Wimborne, Dorset.
'Very in-depth. I have a good understanding now. Really enjoyed the films' - Support Worker

'Really interesting and informative. Very well presented' - Support Worker
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