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Conflict Management and Resolution
Affinity for Business, Welwyn Garden City.
'I'm not a big fan of training courses as I often feel like attending some training courses get in the way of my day to day job. However, I attended a conflict management course with Intelligensa and I have to say that the topic was very well planned and really enjoyable. I do think that a trainer makes the course, and Andy Maddocks was fantastic. very engaging and completely understood what he was training. I would recommend this course and Andy to anyone thinking about attending'
The Prince Albert Community Trust, Birmingham.
'The training was engaging. The trainer had me engaged and I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Thank you' - Teacher
'Clear and friendly training provider. Very interesting topic' - Teacher
Empark, Gatwick London
'Well done. A great course' - Parking attendant (Conflict Management Course)
'Great trainer, great enthusiasm. Got points across well' - Parking attendant (Conflict Management Course)
Arsenal Football Club, Hospitality Stewards
Excellent, hands-on. Opened up all areas of conflict management including the use of role play as an integral part of the training' - Hospitality Steward
Time well spent, very informative session.' - Hospitality Steward
Very informative and much better format than other similar courses I have been on.' - Hospitality Steward
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
'A great course that was well run and insightful. It has given me a much better insight into conflict management' - Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Coach
'Some really good preventative actions have been learned. Wonderful content, interesting manner of delivery' - Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Coach
Heaven, London
'Really useful training which will help us reduce the number of incidents that escalate to violence.' - Door Supervisor, Heaven, London.
Essex Police - Licensing Awareness Drive
'I found the whole presentation really, really fascinating. I've learned such a lot. Thank you.' - Licensee, Rayleigh
Creation Trust
Brilliant and just what we needed. We will let other local networks know about your training' - Employment Advisor
Julia's House, Wimborne, Dorset.
'Very in-depth. I have a good understanding now. Really enjoyed the films' - Support Worker
'Really interesting and informative. Very well presented' - Support Worker