Stewarding & Security Sector
Arsenal Football Club
'The course was pitched perfectly and I can use the training techniques in the workplace.' - Steward, Arsenal FC
'Thoroughly well taught. Instructors were excellent in delivering it and were always there to explain.' - Steward, Arsenal FC
Crystal Palace Football Club
'I felt that I learned more today than on both my SIA and handcuffing courses' - Steward
'Excellent training. I learned a great deal' - Steward
'This was 10 times better than my SIA training session' - Steward
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
'A great course that was well run and insightful. It has given me a much better insight into conflict management' - Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Coach
'Some really good preventative actions have been learned. Wonderful content, interesting manner of delivery' - Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Coach
Ministry of Public Security, China
'The techniques were very simple and effective. They were totally different to those presently used by security in China, and are something that we will consider introducing'
Canadian High Commission, London.
'Everything was covered in detail. The whole day was great' - Security.
'The course was far superior to any other similar courses I have attended' - Security.
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, London
'Very informative and will certainly help in my job and raise my confidence' - Security Officer
Good refresher training. Very interesting' - Security Officer
Heaven, London
'Awesome trainers. Kept it fun and interesting.' - Door Supervisor
'The best training we have ever had.' - Door Supervisor
'Very well delivered. Very helpful and related to the task at hand.' - Door Supervisor
Essex Police - Licensing Awareness Drive
'I found the whole presentation really, really fascinating. I've learned such a lot. Thank you.' - Licensee, Rayleigh
Rochford District Council - Licensing Awareness Drive
'I am a licensee, but have also worked at the council and been a teacher, however, that was the best training I have ever had in my life. I was enthralled throughout.' - Licensee, Hockley, Essex
Resolve Security, Brighton.
'A very good course. I especially enjoyed the practical part. It's good to refresh our skills' - Door supervisor