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Office: (+44) 01707 654317

BILD Certified Training Provider

Mobile: (+44) 07527 411675

Escort and Secure Mental Health Patient Transport Training - BILD ACT RRN Certified 

We Come To You!

All training is focussed on restraint reduction & preventative strategies. We will teach your team Positive Behaviour Support, Managing Challenging Behaviour, De-escalation, Breakaway skills & Restrictive Physical Interventions (restraint/PMVA) with mechanical restraints, to safely hold people at risk of harming themselves or others. 


Suitable for: Secure mental health patient transport (NHS & private ambulance), Secure escort services for children and young people with criminal or welfare secure court orders

The NHS statutory training requirement

Training in Physical Intervention (PMVA) & Mechanical Restraints must be BILD ACT Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) certified. i.e. If your staff are working with service users who may require physical interventions & you are commissioned by the NHS, you must have BILD ACT certified training. 

This applies to permanent, temporary and agency staff.

The CQC statutory training requirement

Training in Physical Intervention (PMVA) & Mechanical Restraints must be BILD ACT Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) certified. i.e. If your staff are working with service users who may require physical interventions & the setting is subject to CQC inspection, you must have BILD ACT certified training.  

This applies to permanent, temporary and agency staff.

The Agency Framework training requirement

Staff are now required to complete BILD ACT Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) certified Physical Intervention & Mechanical Restraint training, & must be able to provde a current certificate of competence. This applies to any staff member working in NHS commisissioned or CQC inspected services, who may have to use physical interventions (PMVA).



In-house Group Training

BILD ACT Restraint Reduction Network Certified

Restrictive Physical Intervention (PMVA) & Restraint Equipment (Handcuff/Soft Cuff) Training Course



Who the course is suitable for:

  • All patient transport services where there is a need for restraint equipment to be used
  • NHS and CQC regulated patient transport services or services working within those settings.




What the course covers:

  1. Positive Behaviour Support
  2. ​Managing Challenging Behaviour with Breakaway skills
  3. Physical Intervention training (restraint)​​
  4. Handcuff and soft cuff restraint training



  • Initial training - 4 days, subject to Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
  • Refresher training - 1-2 days, subject to Training Needs Analysis (TNA), must be completed annually.


Optional additional training:

  • Ligature Removal - 1/2 day course
  • Searching People Training - 1/2 day course

2 Day Physical Intervention (PMVA) plus Handcuff and Soft Cuff Training Course (not BILD certified)

Who the course is suitable for:

  • Patient transport services where there is a need for restraint equipment to be used
  • Not suitable for NHS and CQC regulated patient transport services or services working within those settings, who now require RRN certified training 



What the course covers:

  1. ​Managing Challenging Behaviour with Breakaway skills
  2. Physical Intervention training (restraint)​​
  3. Handcuff and soft restraint training




  • Initial training - 2 days, 
  • Refresher training - 1 day, completed annually.



Optional additional training:

  • Ligature Removal - 1/2 day course
  • Searching People Training - 1/2 day course


1 Day Handcuff and Soft Cuff Training Course

(not BILD certified)


Who the course is suitable for:

  • Patient transport services or security services where there is a need for restraint equipment to be used and delegates are already trained in physical Intervention techniques
  • Not suitable for NHS and CQC regulated patient transport services or services working within those settings, who now require RRN training 


What the course covers:

  1. Handcuff and soft cuff restraint training






  • Initial training - 1 day, 
  • Refresher training - 1/2 day, completed annually.



Optional additional training:

  • Ligature Removal - 1/2 day course
  • Searching People Training - 1/2 day course
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