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Office: (+44) 01707 654317

BILD Certified Training Provider

Mobile: (+44) 07527 411675

1 Day Managing Challenging Behaviour & Breakaway Course






Delivered at your venue, this course includes: recognising challenging behaviour, why some people

exhibit it, how to avoid it and some easy strategies to deal with it. 


The course covers the following areas:

  • Understanding anger, aggression and violence
  • Recognising fear and how it affects actions
  • Identifying 'What is challenging behaviour?'
  • Avoiding challenging behaviour
  • Understanding how fear affects the body when faced with the need to use defensive skills
  • Recognising signs of escalation
  • Using communication skills to de-escalate a situation
  • Understanding what is meant by the term 'reasonable force'
  • Practice effective disengagement and breakaway techniques


All delegates successfully completing the course will receive a certificate.

Refresher training should be completed annually.



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